Hall Bookings

The Village Hall is a Selwyn District Council property, but is managed on behalf of the council by the CHCA.

Please Note: The hall is currently closed for renovations and will not be available until August. For the first two weeks of August we are taking provisional bookings only

See below for the availability calendar.

Facilities at the hall include a fully equipped kitchen (with cutlery/crockery/glasses to cater for approx 50), large 6-burner BBQ (please provide your own gas bottle), croquet set, cricket gear, badminton/volleyball net, table-tennis table, log burner and audio visual equipment (including DVD player, Google Chromecast, etc), WiFi. The hall is available for use by groups of up to a maximum of 50 people currently.

Public vs Private Bookings

The hall can be booked by both residents & non-residents for either public or private events.

Events organised by residents which are open to any other resident of the village to attend do not normally attract a rental charge.

With the hall becoming more popular in recent times for regular winter evening gatherings for rugby screenings, aprez-ski, the community association is struggling to provide enough firewood.  For these gatherings to remain free for residents, we ask that residents bring a koha of one piece of firewood per person along to winter evening gatherings.

Private events may be booked at the following rates:

PeriodCHCA MembersNon-Members
Per day until 5pm$80$170
Per evening from 5pm to midnight$100$190
Per full day until midnight$120$220
A private event means you have exclusive use of the hall for the booked period.

A $100 cleaning / repair bond will be charged for non-CHCA members; this will be returned in full when the hall is left clean & tidy and in good condition. Renters will be liable for any damage or other costs incurred over and above the bond.

Note: it is expected that ALL hall users leave the hall tidy and clean on departure. Appropriate cleaning products can be found under the kitchen sink and in the cleaning cupboard in the foyer.

Rental conditions and cleaning procedures are available here:

Booking Request

Please check availability below before submitting a request.


    * Required


    The calendar below shows current hall availability; to book the hall, you must submit a booking request further up this page here.

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